Flutter CI/CD with Codemagic, Sylph & AWS Device Farm
Flutter CI/CD with Codemagic, Slyph & AWS Device Farm. Easy & Reliable integration testing on real hardware devices; learn how to ensure your Flutter apps run on all device types (iOS & Android)
Flutter CI/CD with Codemagic, Slyph & AWS Device Farm. Easy & Reliable integration testing on real hardware devices; learn how to ensure your Flutter apps run on all device types (iOS & Android)
Fargate is an AWS offering that allows developers to worry even less about the systems their code runs on. Using CloudFormation you can orchestrate scalable containerised services entirely as code.
Recently at Flutter Live there were a series of announcements and advancements in the development ecosystem of Flutter. Specifically Nevercode was revealed to have partnered with Google to launch a Dedicated CI/CD tool for Flutter apps. In this post we're going to go through the process of setting up an existing repository with Codemagic, this new service!