February 25, 2019     6 min read

Generating Cats with StyleGAN on AWS SageMaker

Generating Cats with StyleGAN on AWS SageMaker

Get the code for this post!



Recently myself and Stephen Mott worked on taking some of the fantastic work done at NVIDIA Labs and try to expose it in a more practical and fun way to the general population. The result was a small website called These Cats Do Not Exist.


The site went over really well and gave me some good exposure to a high number of requests, and how to effectively handle traffic caching using CloudFront

CloudFront requests from the influx of hits
CloudFront requests from the influx of hits

This post is looking to solve a similar problem that the http://thesecatsdonotexist site did, except for noobie data science wannabe's like myself, who don't really understand much yet, but love to try out pre-trained models and networks in a simple way.

For this reason, I wanted to get the pre-trained network nicely documented and pipelined on SageMaker. Keep reading!

StyleGAN Pre-trained Network

StyleGAN popped up a few weeks back and it makes use of what is called a Generative Adversarial Network.

https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan example image
https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan example image

Throughout this tutorial we make use of a model that was created using StyleGAN and the LSUN Cat dataset at 256x256 resolution. The model itself is hosted on a GoogleDrive referenced in the original StyleGAN repository. This model is required.

I have hosted a copy of the model on the S3 bucket we use in this tutorial, however if it hit with a lot of requests it might not be available.

S3 Bucket for pre-trained network

Create a new S3 bucket that will store our pickled pre-trained network for use in SageMaker later on. This name needs to be unique globally.

aws s3 mb s3://devopstar

Next, copy the pickled pre-trained network that you downloaded into the S3 bucket. Running the following command will take the file in model/karras2019stylegan-cats-256x256.pkl and put it in resources/aws-catgen/models/karras2019stylegan-cats-256x256.pkl of your S3 bucket

aws s3 cp model/karras2019stylegan-cats-256x256.pkl s3://resources/aws-catgen/models/karras2019stylegan-cats-256x256.pkl

Take note of whatever you used above for your S3 bucket name, and the path in which you copy the pickled file. Whenever you see me refer to the following, replace them with your own configuration.

SageMaker Setup

Running the code for this tutorial requires a dedicated GPU(s), specifically the Instance that is going to be deployed is an ml.p2.xlarge. The costs associated with this instance are not especially cheap, and will rack up approximately $1.26 per hour (while running).


Trying and Failing to CloudFormation

Initially the goal was to CloudFormation the entire process for getting this pipeline up and running, however it became clear after some reading that it wouldn't be possible to do it all in one script. Unfortunately the option set for SageMaker notebook instances are limited to the following currently

Type: "AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance"
  KmsKeyId: String
  DirectInternetAccess: String
  SubnetId: String
  NotebookInstanceName: String
  InstanceType: String
  LifecycleConfigName: String
    - String
  RoleArn: String
    - Tag

The important aspect that's missing is the ability to link a SageMaker Repository (or an external repository) to a new notebook instance. We can however accomplish this with aws-cli sagemaker option set

SageMaker Execution Policy

One piece of the setup that can be CloudFormed is the Execution policy that the SageMaker notebook will use when accessing files in an S3 bucket later on. The role itself is purely defining whitelisting for SageMaker to talk to a specified S3 bucket based on the S3BucketName being passed into it. The default parameter is devopstar.

Running the following line will deploy a new Execution Role that will be used with our Notebook later on.

aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name "cat-gen-sagemaker-role" \
    --template-body file://cloudformation/sagemaker_role.yaml \
    --parameters ParameterKey=S3BucketName,ParameterValue=devopstar \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Once the role has been created successfully, retrieve the ARN for the use later on. It will look something like arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/cat-gen-sagemaker-role-ExecutionRole-PZL3SA3IZPSN.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name "cat-gen-sagemaker-role" \
    --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`MLNotebookExecutionRole`].OutputValue' \
    --output text

SageMaker Code Repository

Removing as much manual work as possible for the deployment of this pipeline is important, and one of the steps that introduces a lot of overhead once the notebook is deployed is the pulling down of the StyleGAN repository.

Luckily this process can be included during the startup of the notebook by passing in a code repository. Create a new notebook repository by running the following command

aws sagemaker create-code-repository \
    --code-repository-name "t04glovern-stylegan" \
    --git-config '{"Branch":"master", "RepositoryUrl" : "https://github.com/t04glovern/stylegan" }'

SageMaker Notebook Instance

Now that everything is ready and prepared, we can create a new notebook instance passing in a couple parameters we have collected from the previous steps.

  • notebook-instance-name: The name you want to give your notebook
  • instance-type: Based on the pricing, select a instance type (with GPUs) to launch
  • role-arn: Retrieved from the previous setup where we created the Execution role with CloudFormation
  • default-code-repository: Name of the repository created in the previous step.
aws sagemaker create-notebook-instance \
    --notebook-instance-name "cat-gen" \
    --instance-type "ml.p2.xlarge" \
    --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXXX:role/cat-gen-sagemaker-role-ExecutionRole-PZL3SA3IZPSN" \
    --default-code-repository "t04glovern-stylegan"

Once completed, open in JupyterLab by navigating to the notebooks section of the SageMaker UI.

SageMaker notebook creation
SageMaker notebook creation

Generating Cats

After launching the JupyterLab instance in your browser, you should be able to see the code repository we defined earlier in the file tab off to the left. Open up catgen.ipynb

SageMaker notebook file browser
SageMaker notebook file browser

You will be prompted to select the preferred kernel. Select conda_tensorflow_p36.

SageMaker change kernel
SageMaker change kernel

Begin to execute the notebook using the controls at the top of the notebook. Step through each section of the notebook block by block and confirm everything works as expected.

SageMaker run code blocks
SageMaker run code blocks

The S3 Access section might require changes to be made ensuring that you are retrieving the pickled pre-trained network from the correct S3 bucket and path

role = get_execution_role()
data_key = 'resources/aws-catgen/models/karras2019stylegan-cats-256x256.pkl'

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
with open('karras2019stylegan-cats-256x256.pkl', 'wb') as data:
    s3.Bucket(bucket).download_fileobj(data_key, data)

NOTE: You might run into some issues when bringing in the role; I've found this to be a benign issue through.

SageMaker role error
SageMaker role error

Finally after loading in the pickled pre-trained network, we are able to generate cats by running the last section over and over again.

SageMaker generate cat output
SageMaker generate cat output

SageMaker Cleanup [IMPORTANT]

Once finished with the notebook its extremely important that you shut it down or delete everything so you aren't paying the $1.20+ per hour cost.

Notebook Instance Cleanup

Simply shutdown and optionally delete the notebook from the SageMaker UI

SageMaker notebook delete
SageMaker notebook delete

Alternatively you can run the following aws-cli command to remove the notebook

aws sagemaker delete-notebook-instance \
    --notebook-instance-name "cat-gen"

Code Repository Cleanup

Optionally delete the code repository using the SageMaker UI

SageMaker repository delete
SageMaker repository delete

Alternatively you can run the following aws-cli command to remove the repository

aws sagemaker delete-code-repository \
    --code-repository-name "t04glover-stylegan"

Execution Role Cleanup

Run the following aws-cli command to remove the stack created for the Execution role for SageMaker

aws cloudformation delete-stack \
    --stack-name "cat-gen-sagemaker-role"

DevOpStar by Nathan Glover | 2024