January 06, 2019     5 min read

Deploying a Private VPN to AWS EC2 using CloudFormation

Deploying a Private VPN to AWS EC2 using CloudFormation

Get the code for this post!


These days a VPN is almost a necessity. For most people their first experience with a VPN was likely for removing geo-blocking limitations so they could watch their favourite TV series without having to wait 6-months for it to launch in their country.

Perhaps you've taken note of the growing number of cyber threads and just want to take your own security more seriously? Or maybe you just want a way to manage your own VPN server without needing to pay and month-by-month subscription?

Well in this post we're going to cover how you can take back control of your security and deploy your very own - self managed PPTP VPN in AWS, with an added bonus that we'll be using CloudFormation to manage it!


  • AWS Free-tier account: You will need to have access to an AWS free-tier account in order to deploy this.
  • AWS CLI (Optional): The AWS CLI will optionally need to be setup on your local machine. This includes ensuring you have credentials / access keys configured so we can interact with AWS using the command line interface.

VPN Architecture

The concept how a VPN works won't be covered in this post, however a high-level understanding of what a VPN does can be seen below.

VPN Architecture diagram
VPN Architecture diagram

Our VPN handles traffic between our computer at home, and the server we are wanting to connect to.

AWS CLI Deployment

The preferred way to deploy this architecture is using the AWS CLI tools allowing with the code found in the following git repo: https://github.com/t04glovern/aws-pptp-cloudformation

You can pull the code using git by running the following command from your cli:

git clone https://github.com/t04glovern/aws-pptp-cloudformation.git

Once you have the folder on your local system, you are going to need to make some small changes to the file pptp-server-params.json. This file contains the parameters we're going to pass our CloudFormation script when we deploy it. Below are the parameters; Please change the VPNUsername, VPNPassword and VPNPhrase fields to something private.

        "ParameterKey": "VPNUsername",
        "ParameterValue": "nathan"
        "ParameterKey": "VPNPassword",
        "ParameterValue": "passw0rd1"
        "ParameterKey": "VPNPhrase",
        "ParameterValue": "passw0rd1"
        "ParameterKey": "InstanceSize",
        "ParameterValue": "t2.micro"
        "ParameterKey": "DNSServerPrimary",
        "ParameterValue": ""
        "ParameterKey": "DNSServerSecondary",
        "ParameterValue": ""

Once you are happy with the configuration, you can run the following to deploy your CloudFormation stack. Take note of the --region parameter, as this is what defines where your VPN is deployed to!

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name "pptp-vpn" \
    --template-body file://pptp-server.yaml \
    --parameters file://pptp-server-params.json \
    --region us-east-1

The StackID will be presented to you indicating that your deployment succeeded to execute, run the following to get the VPN Server Address using the CloudFormation describe-stacks param.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name "pptp-vpn" \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`VPNServerAddress`].OutputValue' \
    --output text

This should spit out an IP Address. If you get a value of None wait a couple minutes and try again, you might find the deployment takes a while. If still nothing, check the CloudFormation console.

AWS CloudFormation Console Deployment

To deploy from the CloudFormation console, open up the GitHub repo in your browser. Then just click the Launch Stack button.

PPTP Server CloudFormation Launch Button
PPTP Server CloudFormation Launch Button

When you arrive, click next (confirm the source of the stack template. I'm hosting a copy here https://s3.amazonaws.com/devopstar/resources/aws-pptp-cloudformation/pptp-server.yaml).

PPTP Server CloudFormation set template
PPTP Server CloudFormation set template

Next provide the parameters, again these are the same parameters we went over in the AWS CLI configuration section. Just be sure to supply a Username and Strong passwords.

PPTP Server CloudFormation parameters
PPTP Server CloudFormation parameters

Click Next when you're happy, and finally hit Next and Create Stack to finalise.

You can now view the status of your Stack, click on it and select Outputs. When your stack completes it deployment you will be able to see your Private VPN Address

PPTP Server CloudFormation outputs
PPTP Server CloudFormation outputs

Client Setup

Now that we have our Server address, we can use it to setup our VPN. On MacOS create a new Network Interface with the type VPN L2TP over IPSec

VPN Interface configuration creation
VPN Interface configuration creation

Next add your Server Address (this is the address you got from the CloudFormation output. Also populate the Account Name field (this is the username you set for the VPNUsername field

VPN Interface configuration server details
VPN Interface configuration server details

Under Authentication Settings, put in your VPNPassword in the Server Authentication box, and VPNPhrase under the Machine Authentication box.

VPN Interface configuration vpn passphrases
VPN Interface configuration vpn passphrases

Under Advanced Settings (after clicking OK), make sure to check the box to Send all traffic over VPN connection.

VPN Interface configuration options
VPN Interface configuration options

Once you're happy with the configuration, click Connect and you should be greeted with something similar to the following indicating everything was successful.

VPN Interface configuration connected
VPN Interface configuration connected


Majority of the credit for this script goes to webdigi who made a post and manages a version of the code base without some of the DNS configuration parameters. Their post How to setup your own private, secure, free VPN on the Amazon AWS Cloud in 10 minutes is also an excellent resource for this deployment.


DevOpStar by Nathan Glover | 2024